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Best Local Licensed Electricians Near You in Odenton MD

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Licensed Electrical Contractors Odenton MD

Haas & Sons provides electrical services that include electrical repair, lighting installations, EV charging stations, whole house wiring and rewiring as well as upgrades to circuits and circuit panels in Odenton, MD as well as electrical contractors in Severn, MD, near Odenton.  Our team of top-rated electricians services residents in Odenton and the nearby communities and neighborhoods.  If you're looking to upgrade, have a repair done, or you're building a home or addition and need electricity run throughout - we're here to help!

We offer all services in Odenton, but you may be particularly interested in the options below:

Odenton Md Electrical Installations - Haas And Sons

Electric Vehicle Charging Station

In the next decade, it’s likely there will be more electric cars on the road than gas-powered ones.  That means more and more homeowners are going to consider an at-home electric vehicle charging station a must-have accessory.  Get ahead of the neighborhood by installing yours today. Our local electricians near you in Odenton, MD can evaluate your existing electrical system, recommend upgrades if needed, and install your Level 2 electric vehicle charger in Odenton, MD – which can work with Tesla, Honda, Chevy, and other makes and models.

Diagnosing Power Loss by Expert Electrical Contractors in Odenton, MD

When we are called in to diagnose the loss of power to your home, whether it’s the entire house, half of the house lost power, or just a few outlets and fixtures, we typically take a few steps to identify the problem. We’ll check the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped. If it has, we’ll reset it and see if power is restored. If it keeps tripping, that indicates an overload or short circuit on the circuit. If the circuit breaker is working correctly, we may inspect all the outlets and switches in an area without power to look for any signs of damage or loose connections. We’ll also check for tripped GFCI outlets. To check these outlets and switches, we’ll use a voltage tester, to see if there is power present at each outlet or switch. This can help determine if the problem is just one outlet, or in multiple outlets. If our electricians suspect a wiring issue, we’ll inspect the wires in the powerless area to determine if there’s damage, a fixture that’s faulty, or loose connections causing a short, or burn damage to the wires. We may also use a wire tracer to locate any breaks in the wiring. If those steps fail to diagnose the issue, we will test the main circuit breaker box to see if there are any issues with the breakers or wiring.

Installing Dedicated Circuits near Odenton, MD

There are a few reasons why you might want a dedicated circuit in your home. Firstly, it can help prevent overloading of the electrical system, which is a potential fire hazard. It can also reduce the risk of electrical shock by making sure that only one appliance is connected to the circuit.

Another benefit of having a dedicated circuit is that it can provide consistent power to an appliance, even if other appliances are being used at the same time. This is especially helpful for high-power appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, hot tubs, saunas, pools, or electric water heaters.

Licensed Odenton Circuit Panel Upgrades

We can help perform what is called a “Heavy Up” or an upgrade to a 200 amp circuit panel.  This is most often done in older homes or when an appliance is added that puts a strain on your circuit panel and breakers. The classic symptom that may be an indicator that you need an upgrade is frequently tripping breakers.

Install or Repair Bathroom Fans

Installing or replacing a bathroom exhaust fan is a simple yet essential task that can significantly improve the air quality in your home.

Bathroom Exhaust Fan

The first step is to choose the appropriate size and type of fan based on the bathroom’s dimensions and ventilation needs. Once we have your new fan, we’ll need to turn off the power to the existing fan, remove it from the ceiling or wall, and disconnect the wiring. The new fan can then be installed, with the ductwork properly attached and secured, and the wiring reconnected. Finally, turn the power back on, and we’re all set to enjoy improved ventilation and a fresher bathroom environment.

Ceiling Fan Installation or Replacement

An electrician to replace or install a ceiling fan in your living room or bedroom will ensure that the fan is safely and properly installed, following all necessary building codes and safety guidelines required near Odenton, MD. They can also provide advice on the appropriate fan size and type for your space and help with any necessary electrical upgrades. Hiring a professional can save you time, effort, and frustration, and ensure that your fan is installed correctly, avoiding potential safety hazards or costly mistakes. Additionally, many electricians offer guarantees or warranties for their work, giving you added peace of mind.

Adding an Outlet

Older homes are notorious for not having enough outlets in a room.  Newer construction is generally built with plenty of opportunities for outlets that serve lamps, appliances, etc.. If you’d like an outlet added or moved near Odenton, our team can help! Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.

Attic Fans to Improve Heating & Cooling Efficiency

Attic Fan Installation Severn Md

An attic fan helps to improve your home’s ventilation by drawing hot air out of your attic, which can help reduce cooling costs during hot summer months. Additionally, an attic fan can help prevent moisture buildup and prevent the growth of mold and mildew in your attic, which can damage your home’s structure and create health risks. One of our electricians can ensure that your attic fan is installed properly and safely, following all necessary building codes and safety guidelines.

Outdoor Lighting

Jazz up your outdoor space and increase security with an outdoor lighting plan executed by our highly rated team of electricians near Odenton. From landscape & patio lighting to motion detection lights and electrical wiring for you cameras and security system – our team does it all.

Odenton Local Electrical Inspections Near You

If you’re looking at purchasing a property in or around the Odenton, MD area – we perform electrical home inspections for purchasers and sellers all the time. This is an in-depth look at the electrical systems of a property with the professional eye of a licensed electrician. Home inspectors are trained to spot blatant issues, but they can miss a lot. A separate electrical home inspection can make a big difference during your sales/purchase process.

The Top-Rated Odenton, MD Electrical Contractors Near You

haas and sons truck - electrician near Odenton, MD

Call us now at: (443) 396-2555 and see why your neighbors rely on us to deliver local electrical services at great value for a fair price in Odenton, MD below.

Recent Jobs and Reviews in Odenton, MD

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 19 customer reviews

Job Locations and Reviews

Genny G.
Genny G. Checked in
Replace receptacle
Odenton, MD 21113
Michael W.
Michael W. Checked in
We have delivered pricing regarding the new 240V cooktop.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Arrived onsite and was show to the back of a closet where the eyeball style recess lighting wasn’t working. One needed a bulb, but I found a hidden switch that controls them behind a dresser in the closet. The one in the corner of the basement living room was on a switch on the outside of the room, and just needed a bulb. After replacing a few bulbs I turned everything on and it all works now. The shower recess had no power in it so in talked about what I’d have to do to get it working and she asked me to just leave it alone for now. Many of the trims are fallen or crooked because of crooked cans or the can being too recessed, or not enough causing the trims to not look even.
Odenton, MD 21113
Michael W.
Michael W. Checked in
We have provided pricing regarding the various electrical tasks.
Odenton, MD 21113
Michael W.
Michael W. Checked in
This solution includes the replacement of the existing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors throughout the home. Additionally this includes the installation of whole home surge protection at main panel. We have replaced the homes smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, 4 smoke alarms and 3 combo detectors. Additionally we have installed whole home surge protection at the main panel.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Arrived onsite and the resident showed me to the basement where he showed me his project. He needs 3 runs from the panel area where everything will be terminated. He showed me where he wanted the first spot behind the tv in that same room, the second on the pillar of wall going to the lower part of the basement, and then the third location upstairs right above it in the office. He also showed me a dorbell transformer that is buried, and i recommend that i could change it for him but there should really be an access panel there so it is accessible in the future as well. He agreed a that is how it will work. There will be drywall damage to get all this done, we will supply all the cat 6, plates, boxes, and terminate all ends of the wire.
Odenton, MD 21113
Nicholas T.
Nicholas T. Checked in
Replaced customer supplied chandelier and 20 foot ceiling in the foyer.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Replacement of multiple devices. One GFCI located in the hallway bathroom upstairs and two single pole switches in there as well. Two receptacles located in the primary bathroom as well as the single outlet located in the 1st floor bathroom. Additionally, replacing an arcing 20 AMP Breaker for this circuit.
Odenton, MD 21113
Genny G.
Genny G. Checked in
Reason for today’s visit was for breaker tripping when shower was turned on in the guest bathroom. While doing our assessment, we saw that the switches for that bathroom were backstabbed and also wiring was damaged. The humidity from the shower caused the breaker to trip when the fan is on. We corrected the wiring in the switch bank and replaced the two switches. After replacing the switches, we let the shower run on hot for about 15 minutes to make sure that the problem was corrected. The breaker no longer tripped. When we were examining the panel, we also saw that the home, even though Brand New, had no surge protection. We offered to install this while on site as well. Please see below for work performed. Replace (2) toggle switches in main bathroom. Install Vortex whole home surge Also, see attached estimate to install the bidet receptacle. After looking at the specs, we will be able to use the existing circuit to install the receptacle in the bathroom.
Odenton, MD 21113
Michael W.
Michael W. Checked in
This solution includes the installation of 4 combo detectors and the replacement of the upstairs gfci receptacle and replacing the other devices on the circuit with gfci receptacles. Lastly this solution includes whole home surge protection for both panels. We have installed a new gfci receptacle at front exterior and replaced the existing smoke alarms with new combo detectors. We shall return this Thursday to complete the repairs. We have installed new gfci receptacles at all locations for bathrooms, garage and exterior. Lastly we have installed new surge protectors at the panels.
Odenton, MD 21113
Genny G.
Genny G. Checked in
Run dedicated circuit to separate bedrooms Install whole home surge in main panel Run two separate dedicated circuits for heaters and straighteners
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
installation of new Carbon monoxide detectors located on each floor due to current system being outdated and currently malfunctioning. System is giving a (3) chirp alert to state malfunctioning. We would also replace current smoke detectors located in each bedroom. Installation of new whole home surge protector to further assist the home in protection against harmful voltage spikes while protecting the home appliances.
Odenton, MD 21113
All Haas & Sons professionals, from the initial request (provided by Krystal) for service to the completion of the job (provided by Genny), were nothing less than outstanding. They communicated their entire process and pricing upfront, and met all commitments in a timely and efficient manner. Above all, they were knowledgeable, professional and courteous throughout the home electrical services provided. I would not hesitate to “highly recommend” their services to family, friends, and neighbors alike. Well done!
Alfred - Odenton, MD 21113
Genny G.
Genny G. Checked in
Today’s visit was for kitchen circuit not working. While doing assessment, I discovered the GFCI had went bad. I recommended putting GFCIs at each location. I also saw a few safety concerns that I recommended addressing. Customer had HomeLine breakers in an Eaton BR panel, single pole breakers on multi wire branch circuits, no surge protection in panel, and the panel was incorrectly labeled after the solar was installed. Please see below for work performed. Install GFCIs in each location in kitchen for one circuit Install whole home surge in main panel Replace breakers in panel for correct breakers Label panel correctly
Odenton, MD 21113
Nicholas T.
Nicholas T. Checked in
We troubleshot basement, laundry room, light to find out the fixture was indeed not working. We remove the old fluorescent light and 70 new LED 4 foot color select fixture in its place.
Odenton, MD 21113
Ridiculous pricing. $300/hour is UNACCEPTABLE
Mark - Odenton, MD 21113
Michael W.
Michael W. Checked in
We have delivered pricing for the various electrical projects.
Odenton, MD 21113
Michael W.
Michael W. Checked in
This solution includes the installation of 2 new single pole switches in the 3rd floor bedroom.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
The reason for todays visit as to provide a solution on installing a new dedicated circuit for a customer supplied EV charger. Today as we arrived, we began inspecting the panel where we saw a 200 amp homeline panel installed in 2002. The panel showed 3 shared neutral circuits with no surge protection. The customer was made aware of the panel health and a solution was provided. I also spoke with the customer on a device that was failing (3 way at top of steps) that caused the lights to begin to flicker in the hall and landing. Customer also stated the lights inside of the dining room were working intermittently and we saw that these devices were back stabbed causing pre-mature power loss. After discussing options and not having the EV charger on site, customer would like to take some time and reflect on todays visit then if deciding to move forward will contact.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Arrived onsite and entered through the second front door, which was the car port that was converted in to a separate addition to the house. Upon arriving i was told that the baseboard heaters don’t come on at all, and they’re controlled by a thermostat on the wall. I opened up both panels where the terminations are on the baseboard heaters and the thermostat, and tested the thermostat which was a variable speed, but was wired incorrectly from the start when they first installed the system, so that only the high setting would work as an on off switch. I confirmed the both turned on at the high setting, and had 240v. They both did, so i began discussing possible solutions to alter the setup but it seems an on off switch is what they wanted in this situation so i put everything back together and turned them on so they could feel them working.
Odenton, MD 21113
Nicholas T.
Nicholas T. Checked in
Installation of new flood light over garage Replace flood light at back door Installation of new flood light over garage Replace flood light at back door Relocate thermostat
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Installation of new Panasonic Whisper selectable CFM exhaust fan to replace current exhaust on first floor powder room. Fan is currently making loud noise when in use and is causing vibrations coming from the ceiling. We would then re-hook up the duct to ensure proper venting.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Installation of customer supplied ceiling fan universal remote. Current remote had a surge that caused the remote to stop working properly. Installation of new whole home surge protector to further assist in protection of the home electrical system while protecting home appliances. Surge is a 125kA Lifetime warranty
Odenton, MD 21113
Michael W.
Michael W. Checked in
This solution includes the installation of a dedicated circuit, 120V 15A, for use of a fireplace. In addition we shall mount the unit to the wall and complete the wiring. We shall also install 2 new customer supplied wall sconces and tie them into the existing switch leg a available. We shall install new receptacle for TV. We have completed installation of new lighting, tv receptacle and dedicated circuit for the fireplace.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Installation of new devices on the affected circuit that currently over heated causing complete power loss to the kitchen/dining room. These 8 devices would be replaced with new tamper resistant devices and pigtailed properly around terminals ensuring no chance of power loss. Installation of new 20 amp Dual Function breaker to help assist the circuit with a better monitoring to prevent possibilities of circuit failure. Installation of new whole home surge protector to further assist in protecting the home electrical panel and protection against harmful voltage spikes while protecting home appliances.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
Arrived onsite and he talked to us about his sauna he will be buying and we went over options i could do to get the dedicated circuit to where he wanted. His panel is currently covered by a shelf but we it would be moved before the job. To avoid cutting any drywall we would come out of the back of the panel and pipe all the way up, along the garage banboard, down and around the side of the house until i get to where the outlet will be, then re-enter the house there to feed the dedicated 20 amp 120v receptacle. It will be GFCI protected via the breaker we will install at the panel. I also discussed whole home surge protection with him. He told me he would call in to schedule if they decide tomorrow.
Odenton, MD 21113 Checked in
The reason for todays visit with customer was to quote on replacement of two fluorescent tube fixtures along with adding a ceiling light fixture located in the “office”. After meeting the home owner, we began our assessment of the home and the electrical system. The panel i saw was a 2008 Eaton BR 100 amp service with an overhead connection. The panel did not show any signs of hazards besides not having a whole home surge protector and an inter system metallic bonding. After going over the home owners wants, we then addressed how we would replace current fixtures. We recommended on installing two flat panel LEDs to replace current 2 x 4 Fluorescent fixtures along with running a new switch and switch leg for the office area. After viewing the solutions, customer would like some time to address and talk it over, they will reach out if deciding to move forward.
Odenton, MD 21113
From the call to Haas office and the arrival of Mike to repair our electrical problem it was an absolute pleasure. Mike was so patient and professional doing a great job restoring our electricity. He was very friendly and obviously has a lot of experience, making us feel very safe with his suggestions. Thanks Haas and Sons Electrical. We will definitely use you in the future!
Llwellyn - Odenton, MD 21113
Very good walk-thru of items to be done and the electrician did go over their estimate to do the items requested before he left. But still haven't received my written estimate via email as I requested.
Phillip - Odenton, MD 21113
Great communication in arranging appointment and during appointment
Melissa - Odenton, MD 21113
Timely, courteous, and professional service
Vincent - Odenton, MD 21113
Knowledgeable, professional
Uncas - Odenton, MD 21113
Nick was amazing. Our issue was very simple to resolve, but he took the time to explain everything to me, kindly and thoroughly. He was very respectful of my home, and my lack of knowledge. I will definitely use this business for future electrical needs, and highly recommend them to others.
Emily - Odenton, MD 21113
The task Matt tackled for us was spread out over four long (for him) days, and he was prompt every day. Matt was very professional and his work ethic is beyond reproach. The work involved relocating a breaker panel, and running a new supply line on the outside of the house.. What I was most impressed by, though, was the fact that out of four electrical contractors we asked for prices, Matt/Haas and Sons was the only one who didn't balk when we asked for a permit to be pulled for the job. I would absolutely recommend Haas and Matt for any electrical work you need to have performed.
Mike Calo - Odenton, MD 21113
Alex was a pleasure to have in my home and very professional in the work he was doing. He was efficient and got a lot of work done in a short amount of time.
Cathy - Odenton, MD 21113
Would definitely recommend. Diagnostic skills were excellent and corrected the problem very efficiently and provided clear explanations as to what was the problem.
Paul - Odenton, MD 21113
Nick was outstanding, diagnosed problem quickly; explained the source, the solution and cost up front; and finished the job expertly! 5 STAR work!!!
Jim - Odenton, MD 21113
Very easy to contact. Michael was amazingly efficient, neat and clean. He is extremely knowledgeable, trustworthy, pleasant and a pleasure to work with,
Jennifer - Odenton, MD 21113
The technician Michael was knowledgeable, friendly and very personable. He kept me informed each step of the way about what needed to be done. If I have any future electrical work to be done I will definitely be contacting Haas & sons.
James - Odenton, MD 21113
Great professioanl service. Alex, the technican, is an expert and provided outstanding work. If I have electrical need again, I will definitely use them again.
LaMont - Odenton, MD 21113

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