Total Electrician Services in Annapolis, MD - Friendly, Professional Service Every Time
Is your Annapolis home experiencing electrical issues, but aren’t sure where to turn? That’s where the experts at Haas & Sons come in. We’re here to ensure you receive the best prices on high-quality services. Whether you’d like to improve your home’s lighting, or are suffering an electrical breakdown, Haas & Sons is here to help!
Electrical problems are both an inconvenience and can even pose major safety hazards! That’s why we provide professional repair services, to ensure your system is operating properly all year round! Additionally, if you need to update or upgrade your circuit panel box ahead of that next electrical safety inspection, we can help make your system more efficient which saves you energy, and money on your next bill!
We never underestimate a service, no matter how small the task may be! Every electrical issue is important, and many can worsen if left unattended. Whether you are experiencing electrical problems within your home, you can count on our friendly professionals to get the job done! Take a look at our reviews to find out how we can best assist you! If you are neighbor just to the north, check out our electrical contractors in Odenton MD services page.
See What A Happy Haas & Sons Client Says About Us on Google:
I had Haas and Sons do a small job at my house (added 2 smoke alarms). Nick scoped out the job, gave me a quote and banged it out. It was tricky, but Nick knows his way around these old Annapolis houses. He was here less than 2hrs and was a super nice guy. I will be using Haas for all electrical projects and I highly recommend them.
Walter Z.
Annapolis, MD
Each company may have a different way of charging to come out. Some may have a 1 or 2-hour minimum and others may have a call out charge plus an hourly rate, which allows them to charge inflated material costs as having a service charge.
However, a flat rate aka fixed price repair cost does not. We prefer this method as it is never based on the electrician’s speed or efficiency, and provides up-front pricing for you.
Get an upfront cost for your electrical repair at (443)-578-3629.
There are a few factors to consider when having an electrician come to your home and replace an outlet. Things that can change the pricing are variables like:
- The presence of aluminum wiring
- Burnt wiring
- Old wiring
- Potential upgrades
These sorts of things should be determined in order to provide accurate pricing for the repair/replacement. For flat-rate pricing now, call (443)-578-3629.
It is recommended to replace or upgrade the electrical system every 30 years.
Electrical systems are the least serviced system in the entire home, and often have underlying issues that need to be addressed but never get attention until there is a problem. Parts of the system can rot, corrode, wear out, stop working properly under manufacturer specs, and keeping up with changes in the electrical code provide a much safer electrical system for your home.
Call Haas and Sons for an upgrade at (443)-578-3629.
It is recommended that you have an electrician install your EV charging point for you in Annapolis, MD. Electric vehicle charging stations generally require new wiring to be installed in a residential location, making it a more complex electrical installation. It is best to have an electrician install your electric vehicle charging station since they will be able to properly assess your home’s current electrical systems and determine if a seperate circuit will need to be installed. To get your EV charging station installed, give us a call today.
The following may cause half of your Annapolis house to lose power:
- One of your GFCI outlets has tripped.
- Your circuit breaker has tripped.
- An issue with your power company.
In some instances, if you lose half of the power to your home, it may be an issue caused by your power company. You should call the power company first and they will be able to help you determine if it is the connection or your electrical systems causing the partial power outage. To get your home’s electrical systems repaired, call us today.
It costs around $400-$800 for an electrician to install a ceiling fan in Annapolis, MD. Although, some things that can affect the cost are:
- The type of ceiling fan you want.
- The type of technological features you want.
- The contractor’s hourly fee.
The cost to have your ceiling fan installed can vary due to where you want your fan installed and if there is already existing wiring. If there is not existing wiring, the installation will typically be more expensive. To get a ceiling fan installed in your home, contact us today.
Recent Jobs and Reviews in Annapolis, MD
Job Locations and Reviews

Unable to install attic fan at this time due to not having enough air intake in the attic.

Replace primary bedroom devices I didn’t stall new GFCI receptacle underneath window in front bedroom.

Today’s visit was for partial power loss in the foyer area, leading to the upstairs and the lighting in the master bathroom. The devices were backstabbed, and that is what caused the power loss. I was able to restore power and replaced devices on that circuit. I recommend replacing all devices throughout the house to prevent this from ever happening again. We were called out for the same issue a few years ago and my fear is this will continue if not addressed. Please see attached estimates to get this taken care of for you. See below for work performed. Repair affected circuit with new devices

This solution includes the installation of new 100A breaker to operate the sub panel, additionally we shall install wire rated for 100A to feed sub panel. This also includes installation of proper common trip handle breakers for the dock equipment. We have installed new 100A wiring and breaker to the sub panel. In addition we have installed proper common trip handle breakers for multi feed circuits and we have installed surge protection at main panel.

The reason for today’s visit with customer was to diagnose beeping smoke detectors throughout the home. When we arrived we saw a 200 amp CH panel with a 100 amp sub panel. Both panels looked good with no major signs of concern other than needing whole home surge protectors. After viewing the panel, we saw Kidde outdated smoke and carbon detectors throughout the home totaling in 3 carbons and 4 smokes. After speaking with the customer, he would like to take some time and speak with his wife and will call back if deciding to move forward.

Installation of a new dryer receptacle located in the basement to replace current melted device. Device currently is set up for a 3-wire installation and we will replace to a 4 wire receptacle and appliance cord.

Checked outlet and switches around area of dining room where customer heard a bang sound. There was no signs of burn marks or any issues that could have made this bang sound related to electrical.

Arrived onsite and the husband showed us to the kitchen lighting that his wife was wondering if i could adjust the dimmers to turn the lights down lower. I took the plate off and tried again but i already had it set at the proper, and lowest setting without it causing any flickering or issues. I showed him and reassured him they cannot go lower, and proceeded to show him what would happen if i turned it lower, and the flickering that insured. I set it back to the proper place and reinstalled the plate. I still let him know that there is 2 recess in the main countertop chain that are starting to go bad, and will flicker out if not replaced in time, but otherwise everything’s in working order.

Replaced four wafer recessed LED fixtures in the living room. Two of the fixtures had gone bad so we replaced all four so that they would match. Troubleshot bathroom lights and repaired pushed up tab on recessed light over the bathroom sink. Tested bulbs in hanging fixture over stairwell to find that they were special bulbs that slowly turned on

Quote to install new 200 amp electric system for the home. We will obtain electrical permits and inspection for this project We will obtain BGE work order and organize their inspection/ work. Installation to meet national/ local codes and safety requirements. These tasks are outlined below in the line items- panel, disconnect, electrical grounding, bonding, surge protection, breakers, and misc.
Nice guy

Arrived onsite to be shown the kitchen where the lights were flickering on the lowest dimmer setting for the main kitchen recess. I found the dimmer to be bad, and also 1 led retrofit recess in the kitchen that is also potentially going bad. I was also shown to an upstairs kids bedroom and gave an estimate to install 4 recess on a dimmer in there. After showing him options, i ended up replacing the kitchen dimmer today and emailing him the future recess project.

The reason for today’s visit was to initially provide a solution for updating the gas cook top to electric. When we arrived, we saw a 100 amp Zinsco sub panel located in the kitchen. The panel was a stab loc panel with after market breakers installed. We also saw the panel had sheet metal screws holding the cover on. When we first took the panel cover off we saw many signs of hazards such as a big arc spot located on the main lug. After speaking to the home owner the best option that was discussed was replacement of the main panel and relocating it by flipping it around facing the living room. While in the home performing our assessment, we saw the home had many out dated devices that had previously been painted over throughout the years. These devices were beginning to fail and were dropping appliance cords out when in use. We also saw that the one smoke detector was battery operated and did not have proper safety requirements throughout the home. We provided a solution on installing

Today’s visit was for relocating a receptacle for bookshelves being installed. While on-site, we also saw there was no surge. Please see below for work performed. Relocate receptacle below existing location Install surge in main panel

Today’s visit was for installing recessed lighting in the kitchen. While here, we assessed the panel as well and saw there were multi wire branch circuits on single pole breakers, and no surge present. Customer opted to make safety corrections and install lights. See below for work performed. Install (4) 4” recessed lights in kitchen Install 2P breakers for multi wire branch circuits Install HomeLine surge in main panel Install dimmer for new recessed lights

Arrived onsite and the resident showed me that he ripped his wood stove and was put in a fireplace insert that was gas. I was shown to the panel, and took a look around and came up with an option if it didn’t need a dedicated feed, but we hadn’t confirmed the draw of it yet. He printed out the manual and between the running fan and the igniter it would, at most, pull 2 amps. I offered to do a dedicated circuit as well but he wanted to have it done off a nearby source, which was the outlet to the right of the fireplace. I wrote up the options and he went with the nearby source. I removed the old outlet next to the fireplace and installed an af/gf outlet to give the insert outlet the proper protection, while Tyler ran the UF from the fireplace hole to the outlet i was tying it into. He strapped it back and then came in and installed a metal fs box in the back of the fireplace, where the Manuel said there would be plenty of clearance for the plug. The outlet is installed, all holes are du

Arrived onsite and was met outside and asked for an estimate to replace the front 2 coach lights, and a separate for the the 2 on the front, the one on the garage and the post light as well. Only one light was functioning at the time and one of them needed the box remedied in the wall because it was hanging out a good bit exposing the wiring. I priced it to just replace the 4 lights and let her know if i run into an issue that calls for troubleshooting then there may be a diagnostic fee id have to add, just to let her know up front. She told me she wanted to think it over with her husband, because the contractor that was here said he would do all of them for 300.
Nick was fantastic throughout the process

Installation of a new GFCI device located next to the panel. Current device no longer resets and is causing power loss to customers Verizon box. Installation of a whole home surge protector. This device will help protect the panel from harmful voltage spikes and protect the home appliances.

Replace a total of 4 hardwired smoke/ carbon monoxide combo detectors (1 on each level) Replace a total of 4 hardwired standard smoke detectors (1 in each bedroom) Replace all harnesses and terminations at each unit. Test all units once completed

Insulation of emergency disconnects on the outside of the home Installation of new service cable into the main panel in the basement Installation of whole Home surge protection Installation of main water ground to proper location. Minor repairs inside main panel to meet code compliance

Originally called out for a recess lighting quote. Customer wants 8 recess lights, 4 in kitchen, 4 in living room, installed with new switches for each set of lights, as well as a pendant light installed above kitchen island. The 2 lights currently in the kitchen would be removed, as well as the fan in the living room. A new switch leg would be ran to current fan location to allow the installation of a new fan in the future. Discussed usage of Pico switches to cut down on dry wall damage and easier selection of switching locations. Would move receptacle and switch closet to window in kitchen to allow the installation of a larger window. While performing my Performance and Safety assessment, I was directed to the panel and noticed rusting and corrosion of panels’ neutral bar and housing, as well as evidence of overheating on branch circuit neutral wires and breakers. Quoted a complete panel replacement to City of Annapolis code standards.

Today’s visit was for customer wanting to install a receptacle onto a wire already existing. Unfortunately the wire in question has no power. We used the circuit tracer and it stops in the wall by he sub panel. Our solution is to run a new circuit to that location. We also recommend installing two additional outlets so the room has plenty of power. Please see attached solutions to get this taken care of for you.

Today’s visit was for outside receptacles tripping basement GFCI. We saw that some of the covers were missing and none of the receptacles were weather resistant. We recommend putting GFCIs in each location to avoid the nuisance of resetting at the basement. We also saw there was no surge in the panel. Please see attached for solution to get this resolved. Work performed below. Replace (1) interior GFCI Replace (4) WR GFCI Install (2) two pole 15 amp breakers for multi wire branch circuit Install (2) two pole 20 amp breakers for multi wire branch circuit

Arrived onsite and opened up the car port light that has been there for a very long time, and found the wiring to each socket was pretty burnt up and the light wasn’t in the best of shape. I found one we could pickup that was the exact same dimensions but matched the color she wanted more then what was there, and showed it to her and we went for that. I ran out and got the light, we returned and installed the new one, put the bulbs in and closed it up, tested and verified it working and then i brought her out to show her. Replace carport light with new one we will supply.

Arrived onsite and she showed us the hallway lights that flicker when turned on. One has not been opened in 10 years because no one could get the glass off, the other just had the bulbs replaced but is still flickering. We opened up the two 3 was at each end of the hallway and those tested good and then i looked into the bulbs and they were just a defective led bulb that she had bought from target. I took them out and put 2 spares i had on me one in each light to test them and they were fine. We discussed options from going out and getting new lights to install for her, all the way to her ordering the bulbs on amazon but in the end she wanted to just buy the bulbs for now. She recently got news about the building that they may condemn all the condos due to an issue with the roof so didn’t want to proceed if she may not be living there. I got both lights open and removed all the bulbs, showed why the glass was stuck on the one fixture and left the glass down off both for now so she coul

The reason for today’s visit was to quote an attic fan replacement as well as a junction box installation for the under sink cabinet. After arriving, we spoke with the customer and found his wants and needs of today’s visit. The customer allowed us into the attic to test the attic gable fan if it works. While in the attic, i saw a switch that sent power to the gable fan and it was disconnected. I hooked the lead wires and switch leg up to the fan and saw it had 120V but the fan was just humming. After diagnosing, i recommended on replacement of the gable fan motor, blade and thermostat. I also saw the attic did not have a service outlet for the equipment in the attic. I recommended on an installation of a service outlet to meet requirements as well as the other work in the attic. After we viewed the attic, we saw the switch leg hanging for the disposal in the sink base and recommended detaching from the switch itself and placing it in a 1900 box with a labeled blank for further use in
Genny was so professional and knowledgeable. I would definitely use her again.
We always enjoy working with Nick, great & high-quality job!
Spark-free service: excellent!
Excellent Service
Great service, on time, efficient and took away the ceiling fan and packaging. Thank you.
Genny was very friendly and very professional.
Haas used a standard cost per job for the work performed. As a result the charge was $800 plus per hour.
As has been the case several times, Mike continues to be a pleasant master of defining the electrical challenge, formulating an effective and efficient plan to solve it, all the while keeping me in the loop at a layman’s level regarding how he is proceeding. He can solve a problem that I didn’t know I had, and blend that seamlessly into what I had called Haas to come fix. Kudos!
A true professional !!
Mike performed precise electric surgery on a complex faulty switch box. Well done.
The experience was an improvement over past electricians. Matt was very helpful.
Alan was a very competent electrician. He explained the what and why of what needed to be done, gave me a cost estimate, and then promptly resolved my electric issue. I have used Haas and Sons for several years now and have always been pleased. I highly recommend this company.
Very thorough, friendly demeanor!